
Hello Everyone,

My name is Anton. I am a Technology Education teacher and specialize in the IB MYP Design and DP Design programs. I have been teaching at Johnston Heights Secondary school for the past three years and love it. Technology Education encompasses many courses such as drafting, robotics, woodworking, metalwork, electronics, and automotive. Each class poses its own challenges, but each shares a similar constraint in our current global climate. That is teaching predominantly hands-on course material in an online model or as a blended model. I am eager to learn more about how I can transfer the concept we learn about mobile learning in ETEC523 and what form mobile learning can take in a blended teaching model. I am eager to share as a co-researcher by contributing meaningful and current content, all while learning from my peers.

If you would like to share below. What books are you been reading for leisure or were now that our courses have started?

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2 responses to “Introduction”

  1. michael orlandi

    Nice to see a familiar name in the course.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. BrittanyHack

    Hi Anton:

    I am glad that you brought up the subject of online learning and blended models. Considering that you do teach at the high school level, I am sure that you have had quite the experience with emergency online learning. I know my experience has been quite different with classes being cancelled since March of 2020 for many adult learners in LINC programs. Limitations of materials has been a huge concern for these programs and learners as well as the reality that many are identified as vulnerable. Perhaps it would be good to discuss some of these challenges of teaching and possibilities available for teaching in a blended learning environment. Though not all students will have a laptop, every one I have found has access to a smartphone. Though I have taken part in quite a few projects concerning synchronous and asynchronous learning, I never considered how a blended learning environment would be designed and optimized for the best classroom experience.

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