RSS Feed Advice?

Hi All,

I’m trying to add this blog to an RSS reed (Feedly) but it keeps giving me an error message. Does anyone else have the same problem? Do you have an RSS feed you prefer?

TIA for any tips!

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4 responses to “RSS Feed Advice?”

  1. lyndsay barrett

    Thanks, All!

    I’ve actually found the dashboard view has been working pretty well. I can see both comments and posts there so it’s pretty easy to stay up to date.

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  2. David Vogt

    Here is how the UBC tech guru responds on this question:

    Fortunately WordPress has a RSS Feed for basically everything. It really depends on what you want or need in the RSS feed and then it’s down to finding the right URL.

    If you append /feed/rss to the end of practically any URL in WordPress, you’ll get an appropriate RSS Feed for the resource you’re looking at. Be it a post category home page, (where the feed will be the posts in that category), or a single post (where the feed will be the comments)

    In terms of actual apps that are being recommended across UBC – nothing formal. Altho we see a lot of folks reference using – something I personally use via a mac app called Reeder. Can’t recommend it enough. (There’s a cost involved with the mac app, but feedly is free).

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. Meg

    Thanks Kelvin for the link! I too am new to RSS feeds, but it looks to me that only new posts appear on the feed – not the responses like we did last week for the discussion and Frontier’s poll. I too am having a hard time finding a routine to re-visit the discussion to reply to posts, so a RSS feed that shows replies too would be super helpful.


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  4. kelvin nicholls

    Hi Lyndsay,

    I found some help getting started with a RSS reader through this post:

    While I am still playing around with it, at least I can see some content. But for some reason I can only see some of the content and not all of it. But maybe someone else has further advice? I am also new to RSS and learning along the way!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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