Would a Participation Template Help?

I was wondering if a template for tracking individual participation would be helpful. Individual participation in this course is worth 25%, which is quite a bit in my opinion. I have started to put my template together, and am willing to share it with others. Before posting, I just wanted to check if any interest existed. Please comment below if this is something that you would be interested in.

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8 responses to “Would a Participation Template Help?”

  1. loveleen kour reen

    Hi Brittany,

    Yes, I would be interested too. Thank you.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. MarlisEnders

    Hi Brittany – Thank you so much for offering this. I would be interested as well.


    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. Evelyne Tsang

    Hi Brittany,
    This is a great idea! I would love to see how you and other students are developing their participation portfolios!
    Thank you for sharing.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  4. Meg

    Hi Brittany!

    I would be interested too! I’m finding the easiest way to keep track of posts and comments is to use the dashboard and check the posts and comments threads to see new posts in one spot. But I’m having a hard time tracking everything so a template may help.

    Thanks so much.


    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  5. Seo-Whi Kwon

    I am interested! Thank you for offering, Brittany.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  6. andrea newland celestine

    I would be interested. Thank you!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  7. Dana Roach

    I would definitely be interested in this! Thank you, Brittany for thinking to do this and offering to share with other students!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. kelvin nicholls

      Hi Brittany,

      I would also be interested. I think this is a great idea to tackle to participation portfolio.


      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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