Participation Template

Hi everyone:

I have created a template to assist with keeping track of the work you will be completing in this class. Some of you may feel that I may have missed some information that needs to be recorded. Due to this, I have made the template that is extremely flexible, and you can manipulate it to suit your needs for this course. This is your template, which means you can decide what needs to be added or omitted. As you begin typing information into the top of the template, the rest of it will move down below. This means that you are responsible for neatness and spacing. The template works well with Libre Office (Mac) and all versions of Microsoft Office (PC). For anyone using Google Docs spacing may need to be adjusted. This template is yours so have fun with it while exploring this course.

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5 responses to “Participation Template”

  1. Evelyne Tsang

    Hi Brittany,

    Thank you for creating this! I also added a comment so as to bring more attention to your post- it will be greatly appreciated by the next generations of ETEC523 students 🙂

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. lyndsay barrett

    Also, a reminder to everyone to include a featured image with your posts! It’s in the instructions.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. emma pindera

      Great reminder! For some reason I had tech issues uploading pictures today, not sure if anyone else had this experience…
      But perhaps it will work for me tomorrow!
      Fingers crossed!

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
      1. Esther Yang

        I don’t know what browser you are using but try a different type of browser.
        For me, I could not upload pictures on Google Chrome but I can on Microsoft Edge.
        Or does anyone have the solution to this problem so we don’t have to switch browsers to upload images?

        And, thank you for sharing the template, Brittany!

        ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. lyndsay barrett

    Thanks for sharing this resource, Britt! I know we’re not supposed to make empty “thank you” posts but sometimes gratitude just needs to be expressed!

    I’ve been using the eportfolio in Canvas to track all my content for this and the other course I’m taking. It’s kind of a clunky system though. I’d love to hear how others are storing/presenting theirs.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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