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Massive Open Online Interventions

Massive open online interventions (MOOIs) are used to expand the reach, scalability, and affordability of psychological interventions. The proof of concept that MOOIs could substantially contribute to diminishing the burden of health problems was a participant -preference smoking cessation open trial. In this trial, the authors used the San Francisco Stop Smoking site to enroll […]

A1 – Mobile ELL Support

If you have taught English Language Learners in your class, you are probably familiar with the struggles that they go through in their everyday learning experience. For my project, I looked into using an iPad for supporting ELLs. I invite you to my blog here. Enjoy!

A1: Why Podcasts belong in the classroom

A1: Why Podcasts belong in the classroom

For all the predictions about podcast popularity waxing and waning a simple fact remains: Video hasn’t killed the radio star. This enduring popularity has nothing to do with marketing or device popularity but instead grows from a human attraction to oral storytelling. My A1 project explores why podcasts endure and why both podcast consumption and […]