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A1 – Coding in K-12 Education

A1 – Coding in K-12 Education

Hi all, For my A1 assignment, I looked into coding as a learning and teaching tool in K-12 education. Initially, even though I had seen many colleagues in my teaching discipline using coding/robotics in their classes, I was not so enthusiastic about incorporating coding in my teaching practice due to lack of knowledge, confidence and […]



Hello wizards, scholars, and indubitably cool individuals. MOOC is an acronym for a massive open online course. Our MOOC team has created a digital learning tool. The learning objectives are to define MOOC capabilities and re-imagine their future possibilities. In our resource, we utilize MOOC strategies such as gamification, interaction, and certification incentives while teaching […]

A1- Bandlab

A1- Bandlab

There have never been so many free mobile applications available for creating music. Due to the imposed restrictions on many classrooms by the destructive nature of COVID 19, many music teachers a forced to teach online. In attempts to navigate this unusual situation, many music teachers have been prescribing random music apps to students with […]

A1 – Mobile Affordance of Duolingo

A1 – Mobile Affordance of Duolingo

Hi everyone. I apologize this took so long. I had a heck of a time formatting the files between my Samsung 9 and my Mac Book, and I had to record it twice. The entire presentation I recorded on my smartphone using X Recorder and PowerPoint Mobile. You are seeing exactly what I am seeing […]

A1-Mastering Your Mobility: 5 h 58 min.

A1-Mastering Your Mobility: 5 h 58 min.

So just wondering, my number is 90: What’s yours? You may be curious about my number being 90. What does this have to do with mobility? Why is my analysis titled 5 hours and 58 minutes? That’s to say, and I spend almost six hours on my smartphone engaging in various apps and seemingly” tuning […]

A-1: Mobile Advertising in Kid-Friendly Apps

A-1: Mobile Advertising in Kid-Friendly Apps

The abundance of mobile advertising in kid-friendly apps was something that I first started noticing when my own children were using “kid rated” mobile educational games and applications on their tablets. In this assignment, I wanted to dive deep into the world of mobile advertising and what regulations (or lack thereof) exist in this world […]

eCampusOntario: An Innovative Cluster of Mobile OER, Micro-Credentials, & Partnerships

eCampusOntario: An Innovative Cluster of Mobile OER, Micro-Credentials, & Partnerships

I have been working with online courseware and learning applications in Pearson’s higher education group in Canada for over a decade. Pearson is a global, for-profit education company that understands the importance of resource scalability, and it is committed to providing services to learners, educational institutions, employers, and governments to enhance employability and fill the […]

A1 – Pocket Welder Helper App used in High School Shop Class.

The Pocket Welder Helper app is not new, but I recently discovered it and have incorporated it in my welding units. As a shop teacher, I get students new to welding to confirm the weld settings (which is the feature I decided to analyze in the video). For more advanced students, I get the app […]