Turning “school buses” into open learning

This video from Peter Hutton gives us another picture of open learning in school, which is open enough for students to decide themselves what they are going to learn.

I like the metaphor Perter posed that schools are like buses for a lot of students. They don’t have a chance to think about how the bus they are on looks like. Exactly, everyone of us who used to be driven on “the bus” has already been accustomed to the standard education that keeps on the rails of uniformed learning activities and outcomes.

I believe this video depicts an exploratory action research on “what if students controlled their own learning”. Would it become a paradigm for future schools? If so, there must be a lot of challenges for schools’ administration and mentorships. As we know, it is not easy to implement individualized learning for a child with traits, not to mention that a lot of kids in a primary school conduct their self-paced individualized learning simultaneously. I am really curious about how they did that.   

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