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A2 – Mobile Games

A2 – Mobile Games

Hello everyone, Welcome to our Mobile Games OER! Please click the image to view our website. The greatest potential in mobile games is that they allow for mobility. Traditional games on the computer or on the table with piles of pieces fix students in place, which limits activities to be done indoors. The most exciting […]

Integrating tablet in the classroom

There has been talk of improving digital literacy for schools for many years, but with the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for it seems to be more urgent than ever. If digital natives are not learning through the use of digital devices in the classroom, does that make their learning unauthentic? What is your stance on […]

Mobile Financial Calculators

Mobile Financial Calculators

The new British Columbia K-12 curriculum and graduation program incorporates financial literacy in mathematics and career education, as well as applied design and technology. This year I decided to use a financial calculator mobile App (as opposed to using TI-83 graphing calculators in the past) to teach Foundations of Mathematics 12 students the importance of […]