My name is Katherine, a secondary Math and Science teacher in Victoria, B.C. I am a relatively new teacher; I received my Bachelors of Education in December 2019. Since graduation, I have been working in both the Saanich and Victoria school district.
For the 2020-21 school year, I had my first contract at South Island Distance Education School (SIDES). At SIDES, I was introduced to the vast opportunities online learning and technology provides to learners. I decided I wanted to dive deeper to expand my knowledge in this important field, so here I am excited to begin my first semester in UBC Masters of Technology program. In addition to ETEC523, I am also enrolled in ETEC 500.
It is clear to me because almost all students have access to a mobile device, and are quite familiar with the usage, it can be used as a great educational tool. I am excited to learn the strategies and resources to do this in an effective and productive way.
This is my first time using a wordpress blog, so I am slowly learning through exploration. I look forward to learning from and with you all.
Katherine Johns
Hi Katherine! Welcome to the MET program! That glacier lake in your photo looks amazing. Must be fantastic in person. What’s the name of the lake?
Hello Katherine,
Welcome to the MET program!
I wish you’ll find endless opportunities to apply the new learnings at your school. … And about the photo, did you said it was summer? hahaha !