Hi from my screen to your screen.
Hello everyone! I’m Sheena, a primary teacher looking forward to teaching outside of the rectangle I spend so much time staring at soon! Currently, I’m working in the Beijing timezone from Vancouver as I await my turn at the Chinese visa center. I have a BEd specializing in secondary education and a diploma in Early […]
Cassie Nichol: I snuck in here
Hello all, I’m grateful to be joining this course as an MA student in Educational Studies. I am in my third (and hopefully final) year of my program and was granted permission to take this course as an elective based upon my professional and academic interest in mobile and open learning. I’m incredibly excited to […]
Free in the Kootenays
Hi, I’m Ryan. I’m a teacher in the Southeast Kootenay region of BC. I have a degree from the UVic Teacher Education Program with a 5th year in Personalized Learning. I’ve only taken one other course in the MET program so far. I’m glad I didn’t wait any longer to get back into school. On […]
Cody Peters: Introduction
Hello everyone, My name is Cody Peters, and I am a Capilano University graduate with a BA in Liberal Studies, with a focus on English Literature and Anthropology. I have also completed the TESL program through UBC, and I look forward to pursuing a career as a teacher with a focus on language and technological […]
Hello from Mississauga, ON
Hi everyone, My name is Feras Alachek, and I live in Mississauga, Ontario. I have been working as an ESL teacher for around ten years, teaching basically all age groups. I am in adult education (ESL) and, for better or worse, it feels strange when you hit your tenth year in teaching. On the other […]