Cassie Nichol: I snuck in here

Hello all, I’m grateful to be joining this course as an MA student in Educational Studies. I am in my third (and hopefully final) year of my program and was granted permission to take this course as an elective based upon my professional and academic interest in mobile and open learning. I’m incredibly excited to engage in this open-format course and to learn from everyone in the MET program!

Professionally, I am the Manager of the Canaccord Learning Commons in the UBC Sauder School of Business where I support a team of three professional staff and 40 student staff in delivering academic support programs and services to undergraduate and graduate business students. While I’m knowledgeable about the principles of open education from a purely copyright standpoint, I’m curious about how the broader principles and possibilities of open and mobile education might shape the future of higher education.

Academically, I am studying undergraduate student motivation to participate in co-curricular (not-for-credit) academic programming. Within the context of this course, I’m interested in the opportunities mobile education may offer in affecting traditionally hard-to-reach students.

Personally, I’m a board and video game enthusiast, coffee is my beverage of choice, and I love my 11-month old puppy more than should be humanly possible.

Find more joy on Instagram @cordythecorgi

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3 responses to “Cassie Nichol: I snuck in here”

  1. Sarah Ng

    Hi Cassie! Nice to meet you and I cannot live without coffee either! What an adorable puppy!

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. Olivia Tarasewicz

    I love my dog more than I ever thought was possible. Your puppers is super cute! Welcome to the class 🙂

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. SheenaChan

    Hi Cassie,

    Your puppy is adorable! Thanks for sharing your pictures of Cordy! I don’t know what it is about photos of well-loved dogs (and cats), they have a therapeutic effect on me.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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