Cody Peters: Introduction

Hello everyone,

My name is Cody Peters, and I am a Capilano University graduate with a BA in Liberal Studies, with a focus on English Literature and Anthropology. I have also completed the TESL program through UBC, and I look forward to pursuing a career as a teacher with a focus on language and technological integration into education. this is my first semester in the MET program, and I look forward to learning through the lenses of mobile and digital learning. My interest in technological and digital integration is twofold; firstly, I am sure we all have had to deal with the paradigm shift in education due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on classroom settings and lesson delivery, and I think that internet based learning and digital incorporation into lessons has proven to be a useful tool, especially during times of global hardship moving forward. Secondly, I am a huge nerd and enjoy spending time online and interacting with friends through online gaming, and I view the internet as an ever expanding social platform.

My research interests focus fairly heavily on student interaction and participation retention, as a relatively recent grad myself I still have fresh memories of being in crowded lecture halls listening to unfortunately dry or boring lectures for hours on end and absorbing very little practical information. I think that offering students a different platform for education as well as the potential for increased participation and attention retention (say that 5 times real fast) is an interesting topic that can be explored through a technological lens and focus, with a special consideration for mobile learning platforms and the increased accessibility of having the option for mobile learning.

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3 responses to “Cody Peters: Introduction”

  1. Cassie Nichol

    Hi Cody it sounds like we’ve got some similar interests! I’m a big fan of online games (my steam library is the only thing bigger than my board game collection) and I’m focusing my MA research on student participation. Looking forward to crossing paths over the course of the term!

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  2. gary reimer

    Hi Cody! I remember when I did my first course. Don’t know if you’re as nervous as I was but good luck. You’ll be ok and ask me anything if you wondering about something and I’ll help if I can.

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  3. Sam Charles (He/Him/His)

    Welcome to the program Cody! Look forward to working and learning with you.

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