Free in the Kootenays

Hi, I’m Ryan. I’m a teacher in the Southeast Kootenay region of BC. I have a degree from the UVic Teacher Education Program with a 5th year in Personalized Learning. I’ve only taken one other course in the MET program so far. I’m glad I didn’t wait any longer to get back into school. On the side, I work on our local trails. We have seen a great uptake in ebikes in our area yet there is still a reluctancy from many to provide the infrastructure and amenities that go along with these types of bikes for both commuting and recreation. The story appears to sound the same whenever new technologies emerge. I am currently working on many side projects that will support the uptake of ebikes and recreation in general.

I taught french immersion for a couple years out of university and have been in my current position as Helping Teacher of Transformative Learning for five years now. I support learning tools and technology implementation throughout our district but facilitating learning opportunities for groups of teachers, 1:1 support sessions and whole class projects from K-12. Some days I’m helping with district databases but the majority of my time is building LEGO robots, exploring the world of VR or 3D printing with different classes. My role is focused on supporting the core competencies of creative and critical thinking, communication and personal and social responsibility. I feel that we sometimes class these things lower than the content and structure of school. I believe that putting these competencies ahead of the content is an essential foundation for learning. For the teachers, I help build capacity for different and innovative avenues of education and support them in our journey and struggle to adopt new ways of learning and facilitating education. I am hopeful that this course will provide me with additional resources and strengthen my philosophy that the process of learning, or more broadly, the adoption of innovation, is fluid and achievable in many different ways.

You had me at “Cannibal Galaxies.” I can’t wait to go to space in this lifetime!

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3 responses to “Free in the Kootenays”

  1. Sarah Ng

    HI Ryan! Your current role sounds so cool! In my previous MET courses I learned that there are many teachers out there who need this type of support as our digital age progresses and students are progressing at the same speed. I cannot wait to hear more about it.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. SheenaChan

    Hi Ryan,

    I like what you said about prioritizing competencies of creative and critical thinking, communication and personal and social responsibility. This world is constantly changing so who knows what knowledge content will still be relevant 10-20 years from now? I believe education should help students develop the skills they need to mold and better the times they are living in.

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. ryan mckenzie

      Definitely. They seem all that much more important after reading through all those frontiers.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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