A3 – Multisensory Virtual Reality
The crisis in learning had students go to online learning and schools close around the world. Students could no longer experience learning in a classroom, field trips, social interactions were limited in person and travel stopped. The technology of virtual reality has been evolving for many years and the global pandemic has changed how we […]
A3- Modular Phones: Fail or Future?
I love using my phone. I also love sustainability. These two things don’t always go hand in hand, considering that e-waste, much of it consisting specifically of mobile phone e-waste, is the fastest growing contributor of waste on the planet and because of how often we replace our phones, these numbers continue to grow. I […]
A3 – Pathways to Purpose
“Pathways to Purpose” is imagined (and presented) as an app. in the video below, but it is, perhaps, more important to recognize that the idea represents a re-orientation of learning and exploration to feed an individual’s purpose. Born from a mashup of ideas explored throughout the course: primarily self-directed/DIY learning, artificial intelligence, and mental wellness; […]
A3 – The Fit Book App
The current Fitness app industry has boomed because of the COVID-19. Many fitness apps are created to meet the needs of home fitness training. However, no existing fitness app on the market could provide a place where personal trainers and trainees could connect for their unique desires and needs. Therefore, I created a Fit Book […]
A3: Access All You Know. Accessing L1 Knowledge in Real-Time.
In my forecasting project, I explore how current technology could be utilized, enhanced and adapted to further support EAL learners. The focus of my concept is to help EAL students access all their knowledge in real-time without the limitations of a developing vocabulary in English. In doing so they can build confidence and engage more […]