
Hi Everyone, my name is Vithu! I’m approximately half-way through my MET journey and am thoroughly enjoying it! I am a Technical Assistant at the Canadian Elevators Industry Educational Program (CEIEP) in Pickering, Ontario. CEIEP offers both required and elective courses to elevator constructors in the apprenticeship program all across Canada. As a Technical Assistant, I collaborate with Subject Matter Experts in testing and implementing new educational technologies and am assisting with the transition to hybrid learning. As the students are busy working during the day, most students access the course content via their mobile devices when time permits. Improving the mobile learning experience is important for CEIEP and I hope I will gain some insight in this course that I will be able to apply at work.

Here is an image of a craft project I designed using the Cricut App on my iPad. Cricut is a smart cutting machine that will cut out designs that are created on their app.

I’m looking forward to learning from everyone!



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5 responses to “Hello!”

  1. louisa green

    Hi Vithu,

    So nice to read your introduction and very interesting to hear about your line of work. It is amazing how many different backgrounds there are in this course, I think that is one of the things that makes the MET program so special. Your design looks amazing and is giving me ideas for a 3D print workshop that I will start doing very soon with my Saturday school students. I am not familiar with Cricut maker, but I will definitely be looking into it, thank you again for sharing! Looking forward to getting to know you.

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  2. anna rzhevska

    It’s nice to meet you, Vithu! Should I pronounce your name French (th as t) or English way? Thank you for presenting the Canadian Elevators Industry Educational Program (CEIEP) to us. It is always important to know where modern technology is applicable. And your craft project is really something. Right now I can’t understand how you did it, so I will think about it later. Again, thank you for this small yet impressive and informative introduction, course mate! Warm regards, Anna

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    1. VithuSelvakumar

      Hi Anna, It’s nice to meet you as well! My name is pronounced the French way, this is the short name my French teacher gave me as my full name is harder to pronounce 🙂 Thank you for such a warm reply, I’m looking forward to learning with you!

      ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. Robyn Oliver

    I’m looking at buying a Cricut machine to create and cut patterns for application onto ceramics. I’d love to hear any advice you might offer on the subject. I have never used one before…

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    1. VithuSelvakumar

      Hi Robyn, I have the Cricut Maker 2 and it is very useful as the sky is the limit with it. I would suggest getting the Cricut Access subscription as it allows you access to more shapes and pre-made designs and images, which you can explore with the free trial period. The Cricut Design Space does take some time getting used to and finding the right settings for your materials will require experimenting but once you’ve figured it out, it’s usually a smooth process. 🙂

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