

My name is Ritu Sood. This is my fourth Met course and the journey has been great so far. I’m really looking forward to this course because I want to learn more about mobile and open learning and how to use these skills to develop courses.

I am from Windsor, Ontario. I work as a LEAD Teacher at a non-profit Organization. My other passion is teaching yoga to seniors. I have attached a random video of my chair yoga class where I incorporate yoga with some poems. I also enjoy sewing and decorating my home. I do some DIY projects to decorate my home during holidays. These are some winter cushions that I sewed last month.

I have created my introduction on Canva. Please click on the link.

Looking forward to learn from all of you and Dr Voght.

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2 responses to “Introduction”

  1. ritu sood

    They sure are. Looking forward to learn from you as well Vithu.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. VithuSelvakumar

    Hi Ritu, nice to meet you! DIY holiday projects are always fun to do, those are very cute cushions. Looking forward to learning with you this semester. Best, Vithu

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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