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A1- LIVEWORKSHEETS- Creating Interactive Worksheets and get instant student grades

During 2020 Pandemic, all schools were forced to close as governments around the world took major action to stop the spread of COVID-19. As a result, the Pandemic prompted educators to begin online instruction and maintain virtual student participation.  During Pandemic, I began making full use of Liveworksheets and learning how to construct worksheets based […]

A2: Week 7 – Artificial Intelligence

A2: Week 7 – Artificial Intelligence

Hosted by Meagan Strome and Ritu Sood. Welcome to our open educational resource on artificial intelligence (AI) in education. This topic is huge! So, we have decided to focus on Generative AI technology in the education sector. Have you ever wondered how generative AI could be used to enhance the educational experience? AI technologies are advancing […]

A1: Mobile Ethical Shopping Movement

A1: Mobile Ethical Shopping Movement

Hello everyone, Ethical shopping is something that has become much more main stream as online shopping has unlocked a whole new world of shopping possibilities. I have created a Google sites to dive into this subject for my A1 project. I should note that I am an elementary school junior/intermediate teacher, and when creating this […]