Hello everyone!
My name is Bianca Joson and I live and work in Surrey, BC. I did my undergrad in Linguistics and chose to complete a certificate program in Teaching English as a Second Language. I taught ESL for 5 years and I decided to explore job opportunities away from classroom instruction. Right now, I work as an Instructional Design Support for a private company.
This is my 3rd MET course and this is my first time taking an elective class. I chose this course because I want to expand my knowledge and understanding of mobile learning. The ubiquitous nature of these devices introduce a gamut of possibilities in improving and supplementing education in general. I only ever interacted with language learning apps and that’s my foray into mobile learning.
This is my first time using WordPress for classes and as such I’ve been experimenting with the interface. In fact, I reused the images from previous ETEC 523 classes and I inserted them on the left hand side of my post.

Free Time
I like to watch movies and read. With my busy schedule, I can’t commit to reading full novels so I read magazine articles to keep in the loop and help me relax after work.
Hi Jennie!
The change is quite big. I’m so used to getting up and being surrounded by people all they time. Now, I work with Microsoft Teams primarily as my me and my co-workers are spread across the country. I also sit in a room alone, so it can get really quiet sometimes. I do enjoy the freedom after work. I used to prep for my classes for the next day so I can’t really leave right after my classes.
I’m with you with Audible. I love a good podcast or an audiobook.
Hi Bianca, it is nice to e-meet you! How do you feel about the change from classroom teaching to working for a private firm?
I noticed you like to read but don’t have time, one of my many problems as well. I find Audible really great for that, especially when I was commuting to work, it helped me tackle a few long books I’ve been putting aside to read for a while!