Hello from Kevin

Hi everyone,

My name is Kevin and I am a full-time teacher in Whistler, BC. I have been teaching Grades 4 to 7 for the last six years and worked as an outreach/alternative education teacher for high school students before that. In my teaching, I like to make games for my class to explore curriculum; for example, making rules and figures for a kid-friendly version of Warhammer (the miniature wargame/board game) where students measure, practice multiplication, use probability, explore integers, and more all in the same game.

I am an adventuring nerd. I love to snowboard, surf, bike, and sail and also love to play video games, read/watch sci-fi and fantasy stories, and solve puzzles of every kind. My holy trinity of film would be Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter. My favourite video games would be The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, World of Warcraft, and Apex Legends. My Dungeons and Dragons character just reached level nine!

This is my 4th/5th course in the MET program. My undergraduate degree was in Media, Information, and Technoculture so I have found this program is a great union between my career and my passion for technology. I am extremely interested in virtual spaces and worlds, from massively multiplayer online games to sandbox games to VR and AR, and now with the introduction of AI my excitement for this course is at an all-time high!

Excited to meet everyone,


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3 responses to “Hello from Kevin”

  1. clareyeh

    Hello Kevin,

    Nice to meet you. I was introduced to you by Professor Vogt as we’re tackling Week 11’s topic of Internet of Things 🙂 What’s cool is that I teach alternative education in Burnaby, BC. The program I teach is called “Senior Alt,” for students in grades 10-12. Most students are trying to graduate with an Adult Grad Diploma by grade 12.

    We both like to bike and snowboard! I also found another peer of ours – must be a BC thing. I’m heading up to Whistler soon as the bike park is opening up for the season. Super exciting.

    Looking forward to working and hearing from you.


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  2. Joel Flanagan

    Hello Kevin,
    It’s great to be in another class with you again. I also share a lot of similar interests as well. I would love to experiment and play around with some of the things that you’ve created before or are going to create in the future. Here’s to an exciting semester!

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  3. Sam Paterson

    Hey Kevin,

    I was very happy to see you’re in this course at the same time as I am. I thoroughly enjoyed your contributions to our last course, as well as working with you on our group project. I think that having that sense of playfulness and adventure is a key part of exploring digital and online learning, and I look forward to hearing more about how you integrate those things successfully, with the enthusiasm that you managed to maintain!

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