Hello from Joel

Hello everyone,

My name is Joel Flanagan, and I am excited to join all of you in discovering the content in ETEC 523: Mobile and Open Learning. I am currently taking my 9th and 10th courses in the Master of Education Technology program. 

I am currently on leave from my school to complete my degree. I plan to return to teaching at a high school in New Brunswick in September. The courses that I primarily teach are technology and business to grade 10 – 12 students. 

I took this course for several reasons. The first was seeing mobile devices’ adaptability and flexibility in education. I have utilized them before and had great success. Other times, I have found it to be less successful. Although students generally enjoyed enhancing their learning through devices, more practice and understanding could help my pedagogy in this aspect.

I am easygoing and have lots of fun with my soon-to-be four-year-old. We’re been focused on swimming and gardening lately. I also enjoy playing and collecting video games; I enjoy single-player action, adventure, and platformers the most. 

I am truly excited about the opportunity to learn and grow with all of you in this class!


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3 responses to “Hello from Joel”

  1. clareyeh

    Hello Joel,

    We meet again and outside of Sam’s course haha. I am also taking my 9th and 10th course in MET, we’ll both be done by the summer! Looking forward to hearing more from you/digitally seeing you on our class blog.


    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. Jazz Chapman

    Hi Joel!
    Nice to have you in this course as well.
    To your points, mobile devices can be used as great tools in education, if they are used correctly. I also hope that this course will shine a light on how we can use mobile devices to help students be successful instead of them just being a hinderance to their learning. Also, what can we do as teachers, to teach and enforce appropriate phone usage in the classroom.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. Jazz Chapman

      Sorry! The last sentence should have a question mark, not liking that I can’t edit on here.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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