Hello From Jasmine

My name is Jasmine (Jazz) and I am a High School teacher in Kingston, Ontario and have been a teacher for about 4 years. I just took students on two field trips and I am exhausted! This is my 5/6th course with the MET program. I am also enrolled in 511.

I really enjoy working with students and challenging them to think about their phones in different ways, instead of just a source for Snap Chat, TikTok, and games.

A little bit about me: I have two cats and a dog and they are always the cuddliest creatures. I have my college diploma in Radio Broadcasting and I used to work in the field. My degree was in Drama and Indigenous Studies. My BEd was in Communications Technology, which I hope to have the opportunity to teach in the near future.

In my spare time I enjoy going to the movies with my Dad (he’s always the most enthusiastic) and gardening. I am progressively trying to get into reading more, as I have so many books that I need to read, but has become more difficult with the more things I seem to do in my spare time… Maybe I just need to get of Instagram!

I hope to get to know the lot of you more and I look forward to working with you over the next few weeks.

Jasmine Chapman

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One response to “Hello From Jasmine”

  1. alanlam

    Hey Jasmine!

    Wow two field trips! I do enjoy field trips but I definitely relate to how exhausted it must feel. The use of SnapChat, TikTok, and games in your high school classroom sounds fascinating. Would love to see how exactly you are implementing that in the classroom to engage learners.

    Looking forward to interacting with you on this platform.

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