Final Grades Returned

Bravo everyone, you’re all done!

Each of you should now have received a private email from me offering my comments on your A3 and A4 assignments, along with a tally of your final grades in the course. I hope I tallied correctly. Please email me immediately if you haven’t received you final grades, or if you have any questions or concerns regarding them. I will be submitting the grades next week, after which it is very difficult to change them, so let me know ASAP if you have any questions.

As I said at the beginning, I created and teach this course solely for the learning opportunity that your research activities offers to me. You certainly did not disappoint. I happen to believe there is no better way to generate valuable knowledge and insight about the world than to enable a group of experienced professionals to purposefully, collectively explore the frontiers of their discipline. It beats purely academic inquiry hands down. I trust all of you found something worthwhile on this learning adventure as well, and that you’ll find or create the opportunity for further professional networking in the future.

All the best,
