I’m thrilled to be joining all of you on this journey in Mobile and Open Learning. One of my goals in this course is to demystify some of the mobile apps “magic” into understandable technology that I can better utilize in running an educational program.
For work, I am the Manager of one of Canada’s largest k-12 International Student Programs. I love the work that we do and the team that I work with. I’ve been working in international education recruitment, admissions, and administration for the last 14 years and before that I taught in Japan and Korea.
For fun I love to take my kids together with my wife on outdoor adventures which is a big part of why we’ve made beautiful British Columbia our home. This is a photo of me and my youngest daughter last year while out canoeing.

thanks for sharing a bit about yourself. As someone who has only ever worked in the public sector in education, but has significant previous experience working in small business and the private sector, I’m always curious to learn more about how the two come together and what opportunities there could be for me and my learners. Hopefully I get a chance to pick your brain a bit about some things, and I look forward to seeing your contributions and insights throughout this course.
Great to meet you Sam. Look forward to getting to know you throughout this course. I am still in the public sector, but very happy to share my experiences. Look forward to learning from you too!