Hello everyone, it is great to meet everyone and read all of your introductions!
My name is Emma, I am on the 3rd term of my ETEC program, and loving it so far! I live in Cambridge ON, and currently an Instructional Designer for an Aviation Software company designing eLearning and other training. I look forward to learning more about mobile learning, as a lot of the software our company produces is meant for mobile platforms, and therefore, it needs mobile training as well.

More about me, I love reading, writing, rollercoasters, travel, hiking, kayaking, and have recently gotten into snowshoeing. I look forward to learning with all of you!

I love that cotton candy! I spent 5 years in and around Cambridge (I went to the University of Waterloo for engineering) and loved it there!
I did my undergrad at University of Waterloo as well! Loved it!
Hi Emma – I just put two and two together: Your partner works in ECE and mine works in aviation. He’s a pilot and maybe completed training through some of your work
Looking forward to connecting over the course of the semester!
What a coincidence! I look forward to connecting with you more as well!
Hi Emma! Your position with an aviation software company sounds really interesting. I’m enjoying hearing about the variety of jobs of the students in this course! I’m originally from Guelph, and my parents still live there, so I sometimes get back that way for a visit. Living in the mountains in Alberta now. Looking forward to working with you!
Great to meet you Wendy! I look forward to working with you too!