Introduction – Emily Chen

Hi everyone! I am Emily from Taiwan. I have two daughters, one will be turning 5 this month, and I am currently in the process of planning her birthday party. The other daughter is 1 year old, and this month she started to look at her board books independently and point to the pictures on them by herself (proud mom moment).

This is my 5/6 course in the MET Program. I am also taking ETEC 500 in tandem with this one. I have been working in China for the past 11 years as the R&D president for a private English tutoring corporation focused on providing English learning program to children 3-15 years old. This year, due to COVID-19, my family and I relocated to the Taiwan head office.  I finished moving in December, and came out of quarantine just 3 weeks ago. I am feeling relieved to be done with my last quarantine for a while (I did 3+ months of quarantine for work travels in 2020). During school shut down period in China, my company stayed in business by provide online course options. We had 2 weeks to prepare before we had to roll out an online program suitable for children 3-15 years old. Though we are now back in school, to prepare for the future, my company has decided to invest in online education. I am now tasked with developing online English learning content for children 3-6 years old. 

I am excited to learn with you! Good luck to everyone!

p.s. Would have loved to share pictures and add a featured image… I tried multiple times but the system kept popping up a “missing a temporary folder” error. If anyone know how to fix it would love to hear some suggestions from you! If not~~ hopefully I can figure out a fix to the issue soon!


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5 responses to “Introduction – Emily Chen”

  1. Stephen Michaud

    Hi Emily, the temporary folder problem can sometimes be solved by clearing your browser cache and cookies. If that does not do the trick, reach out to the Learning Technology Hub ( – and they will get you sorted out! It is nice to meet you! I did two courses last term with one of them being ETEC 500 … the trick will be staying on top of the reading in ETEC 500 … there is a lot!

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. EmilyChen

      Thanks for the tip Stephen! I will try them!
      And you are right with ETEC 500, this is the first week, and there’s already so much reading to do!!!

      I look forward to learning with you!

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. lyndsay barrett

    Hello, Emily! I too am a mom (20-month old) and a teacher of young children (3-5 years old). Teaching that age group online is such a daunting task! And with only two weeks to prepare. Are there ways that have worked best to keep their attention? Particularly with the younger ages.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. EmilyChen

      Hi Lyndsay!

      The hardest thing with online learning with young children is definitely keeping their attention. They may have so much distractions such as their family members walking past, some might even be eating food as they come online, or they might have TV turned on on the side. I found that getting parents onboard with the “rules of the online class” is very important. Eliminating distractions in their home is a big first step.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
      1. lyndsay barrett

        That makes a lot of sense. Environment is so significant in programs for preschoolers (and other ages, of course)!

        ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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