Vamos vamos!

I come from a small town in Monteverde, Costa Rica where I had the privilege of studying in an English immersion school. I had the opportunity of studying abroad in Portland Oregon for my grade 10 year. The experiencing was so fulfilling that after I returned to Costa Rica, I immediately found myself invested in studying abroad somewhere else again. My grade 11 teacher (teacher abroad from Canada) brought me to her dad’s high school (acting principal at the time), so that I would have the pleasure of immersing in the Canadian culture as a student. I loved Canada so much that I applied to a Canadian University.

After completing my studies at Trinity Western University I joined the education program and became a high school teacher in Math, Spanish, and Physical Education. Becoming a teacher was not just a huge accomplishment in my life but a blessing. I love my job and wake up every morning looking forward to the experiences and beautiful moments I will live at work. After 3 years of teaching I feel the need to expand my knowledge in my line of work and decided to move forwards to my next chapter in my life, the masters program. Now here I am! I have joined the UBC Masters in Educational Technology.

Why did I choose this program? Because I love and feel very lucky to be living in the era of technology and cannot wait to see how I can combine my love for technology and my love for teaching into one. I was raised with using mobile technology like cellphones and laptops for educational purposes in class and I already use technology in my classroom; however, I believe ETEC 523 can shape and remodel what I already know and will learn into an effective tool I can use to adequately teach my students using new educational methods and pedagogy. I am looking forward to not only learning from this experience but transforming my experience into something my students can benefit from, and perhaps even find a passion for!

Looking forward to getting to meet you all and absorb as much as I can from everyone’s wisdom,


FYI, this is my back to school happy face my mom in Costa Rica requested this morning 🙂

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7 responses to “Vamos vamos!”

  1. Erica Hargreave

    This was beautiful to read, Miguel, and started my day with a smile. Those kids are lucky to have you as a teacher, and I myself am very much looking forward to learning with you.

    ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  2. AlexisMcKinty

    Bienvenidos Miguel! I’m now in my second half of the MET program, and can promise that the experience will not disappoint. I highly recommend the Summer Institute course on Digital Games and Learning – it was an incredible experience!

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. miguel rojas ortega

      Thank you! I will definitely check it out 🙂

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  3. analesa crooks-eadie

    Holla mi amigo!
    Welcome to the MET program, I can tell how passionate you are about teaching, that’s beautiful! We need more teachers like you! All the best

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. miguel rojas ortega

      Thank you! Very kind words, I try my best.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
  4. deisy castillo

    Hola Miguel,
    I’m sure the MET program suits perfect to your goals. You’ll find it useful for transforming your students’ learning experiences.
    FYI: I loved your smile at work!

    ( 1 upvotes and 0 downvotes )
    1. miguel rojas ortega

      I think so too, I believe this course will definitely give me more tools for my teacher tool kit, I love my job and love giving my students the best experience.

      ( 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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