Hi everyone!
My name is Sarah and I’m from Vancouver, British Columbia and I’ve been here all my life. I was just talking with my coworkers about how much the Greater Vancouver has changed in the last 5-10 years. When I was driving home, I suddenly had a different view of the place that I grew up. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to live in Vancouver.
I’ve taken a wild ride with post secondary education and career changes. I have a Bachelors of Science in Food, Nutrition, and Health and with that I ended up and Education degree specializing in Home Economics. I wanted to further my cooking skills and went into a Culinary Arts program. I realized that teaching in a school setting was not a fit for me, so I started my career in management. I started as a Supervisor and ended as a General Manager managing food services in healthcare facilities. During the time that I was on the management team, I started education and experience in Project Management. During the pandemic, I was very fortunate to have started a new role as a Program Development Officer with an organization that governs the trades apprentice program.
ETEC 523 is my fourth course and I am very excited to get started and see what you all have to share. During the pandemic, a lot of my work has gone online and having conversations with many instructors offering trades training online was an interesting process. Trades works is known to be more hands on and having apprentices learn hands on work in an environment was a huge adjustment.
During my spare time, I love watching food related videos, cook and bake. I recently discovered an app called Plato. it is a platform where there are many card and arcade games that you can play with your group of friends virtually. I’ve resorted to this type of entertainment during the pandemic.

I’ve been missing travelling too, Sarah, which has been made that much more tantalising in the past week by conversations with Malta and Egypt about coming to film. Will be diving into writing up those proposals in the next week.
Love your varied career and experiences, Sarah.
Hi Sarah, Nice to virtually see you again, and learning more about your background. Looking forward to learning with you this term. Those are some awesome photos.
Hi Sam! Nice to see you again!
Wow! You have an amazing academic and work background. Congratulations in all your accomplishments, and wish you the best in this new chapter in your life. You seem to really care about developing your skills in your area of expertise in order to adapt to the changing world. I can tell you that you will always be a valuable asset to anyone you work for and to the world. Keep up the hard work! Love the pictures!
Hi Miguel! Thank you for the encouragement, it really means a lot!