One response to “An Example of Mobile Tech in the Field of Medicine”

  1. gary reimer

    Hi Kendall, thanks for this post, it provided me a lot of food for thought. Although delivering timely and useful information is essential, I think the real added value for this type of app would be in its ability to create a community of users who can support each other. My family farmed in rural Alberta and about 15 years ago my mother had to deal with breast cancer. Living and working on a farm doesn’t permit endless hours to sit in from a computer, quite the opposite actually; it requires lots of hard work both in the home and in the field. One of the affordances of mobile is convenience and in-the-moment access, and while the burden of isolation really compounded her hardship, access to this kind of mobile tech would have made a real difference. Mobile tech can bring peace of mind and comfort to those who need a specialized support network close at hand all the time.

    ( 3 upvotes and 0 downvotes )

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