Now you have had some time to think about how salmon gills work. Fish move water through their gills and absorb air from the water as it passes along the gills. Think about what happened with the colour on the paper towel. The salmon takes a mouthful of water, closes its mouth and then pushes the water up through the gills in its throat. As you saw from the picture, gills are made up of rows of very fine folds of tissue like our skin. The salmon absorb the air through their gill cells. Our next lesson is a salmon dissection! You will get to observe and even feel the insides of a fish. What are you most excited to see?
Now, I would like you to go back to your KWL chart. Think about what you learned from the experiment. Record all your ideas as a group about what your learned in the L section.
When you are finished click on the What if….tab to apply what you have learned.