Gills Experiment

Are you ready to learn all about salmon lungs and gills?  You are going to create your own experiment with your group.  It might get a little wet in our classroom!

Step 1: Send two people in your group to collect the materials tub.  There will be a jar filled with water, the large bin, food colouring, a board covered in white paper towel and an observation sheet.  Your group should write down your observations as you work your way through the experiment.

Before you start please discuss how you breath with your group.Take a few deep breaths and think about it.  Can you breath underwater?  I will be available to help you at any time you need, just ask!

1) Take the jar of water and make sure the lid is sealed.  Shake it up!  What do you notice on the inside?  What happens with the air bubbles? Do you think that there are any air bubbles left?  Look closely, can you see the teeny, tiny ones? Talk about your observations  as a group and jot them down on the observation sheet.

2)  Add 2 drops of food colouring.  This will help us get a better look at air in the water.

3)  Take your board that is covered in paper towel and slowly pour some of the water onto the paper towel.  Watch what the colour does! Discuss with your group and record your ideas on the observation sheet.

4) Now, imagine that the colour in the water is air and that the towel is the fish’s gills.  Discuss with your group and predict how you think that a fish might get air from the water.

Once you are finished your experiment, please tidy up and return all supplies to the materials table.  Then, click on the explanation tab.

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