Jun 08 2011

The Fusion of Art and Technology: The Bauhaus

Published by at 4:56 pm under reflections

The Bahaus was originally a school in Germany founded by an architect named Walter Gropius in 1919 which combined fine arts and crafts leading to a modernist movement. Their aesthetic principle resided in minimalist design without any embellishments (“non-functional decoration”) and their overarching objective aimed to improve societal conditions using technology. It blurred the boundaries between art and technology by combining traditionally separate disciplines. Due to the rise of technological advancements it is without question that the use of technology for artistic/creative design has increased. Thus, the Bauhaus has had a profound influence on the subsequent developments in art, architecture, cinema, computer animation, web design, graphic design, etc. An example of its long-lasting contributions includes modernist architecture of high-rise buildings, mass-produced housing, and town planning. According to Murphie & Potts (2003), this demonstrates the contradictions of modernist culture: “a belief in progress and rationalization on one hand, and a utopian desire on the other.”

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