Archive for July 2nd, 2011

Jul 02 2011

First Media Production is submitted! :)

Published by under reflections

My media production entitled Digital Memories: Theoretical Frameworks and Implications can be accessed on my “First Media Production” tab at: It can also be found on YouTube at:

For this mp, I used Camtasia for the first time and also learned how to utilize its add-on feature in Microsoft PowerPoint. Although, I began my mp using Photostory 3 for Windows, I ended up switching to a 30-day trial version of Camtasia as it offered the ability to embed video and make my mp more dynamic rather than the static images and audio narration offered by Photostory. I have to admit that there was quite a bit of a learning curve to use Camtasia effectively- one which I hope to master as I use it more often. I found that my previous experience using Windows Movie Maker definitely helped me navigate through Camtasia. For this mp, I conducted research- trying to compile a variety of information (journal articles, books, images, videos, and music) to create a script using Microsoft Word (mirroring an essay style), Microsoft PowerPoint to create narrated slides, and storyboarding techniques to plan out how I was envisioning my video turning out. After multiple drafts (for my script) and revisions of my storyboard, I utilized Camtasia to record my narrative, then utilized images and text to supplement my points.

Overall, this was my second major video that I produced (next to the “I am an artist” practice clip) and uploaded it successfully onto YouTube and my UBC blog. It’s quite amazing how a “short” video encompasses a lot of work: compiling, organizing, editing, and producing the final product. I am certainly glad to have submitted it prior to the deadline and I’m looking forward to the next assignment (after a bit of a break). 🙂

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