What is this guide?
This guide provides information about the purpose and goals of this website, theoretical frameworks of instructional design of the website, and information about prospective users (who can benefit from this website).
This website is designed for educators, administrators, and BYOD policy makers around the world who promote, or wish to promote, BYOD probably in high school classrooms (as 92 percent of teens are going online daily and nearly three-quarters of kids age 0-8 are using online apps). However, BYOD resources and policy framework can be extended to upper elementary students as well. Educators can access the site to continue reviewing the materials and activities anytime/anywhere.
Goals of this site:
- To motivate the audience to fully utilize the potential of BYOD.
- To provide a basic start-up kit of resources for individual classrooms as well as for a school-wide BYOD policy framework.
- To provide the solutions for common problems that may arise while implementing BYODs along with a few alternatives.
- How can we use BYOD to make learning more culturally relevant to our learners?
- How can we use BYOD to include more real-time interaction in our classrooms?
- How can we use BYOD to provide different pathways for students work and motivate learners through choice?
- How can we use BYOD to share with a web-based audience and provide authentic and timely feedback to students’ work.
Instructional design
As teachers, we always aim to reach the highest level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. However, unorganized content does not usually meet the requirement. Hence, in order to reach the highest level we need to understand the way humans learn and plan our tutorials accordingly. The 4MAT Cycle of Instruction is a cycle that helps us to use brain-based learning strategies to unfold our full potential in an organized manner in 4 different steps. Please visit 4MAT Cycle page to know more about this cycle. We used the 4MAT Cycle of Instruction in our tutorial design, as well as in our sample lesson plan on electricity.
Who should use this guide?
- Teachers: This guide is an ideal tool for teachers who want to implement BYOD in their classroom.
- Policy makers/administrators: The Policy page of this website can be beneficial for policy makers who are starting from scratch.
- Parents: Parents can acquire detailed information about the benefits of BYOD and may support BYOD implementation.
Visit different pages of the website to gain information in a systematic manner
- Stage 1: Connect and attend: On About, and Why BYOD pages we provide the relevance, need, success stories, and case studies of BYOD to connect the information to educator’s lives. It is not limited to the introduction page only, rather we tried to connect the provided resources to real life wherever possible throughout the tutorial.
- Stage 2: Image and Inform: Getting Started, Teacher Resources, and Policy are pages that contain very important information about how to implement BYOD in a classroom, as well as many web mixes containing pedagogically appropriate tools (using the 4mat cycle of instruction) within a sample lesson plan on electricity, and a basic policy framework to make a school-wide policy. We provided images, videos, and written explanations of each and every topic to make the learning process engaging for our audience.
- Stage 3: Extend and Refine: Troubleshooting, Professional Development pages extend and refine the understandings even more by providing possible solutions to any problems that may arise during the implementation of BYOD.
- Stage 4: Perform: Tutorial Submission on Connect can help us get the critical feedback on our tutorial and help the audience reflect on their understanding of the materials provided in this tutorial website.
The interactivities in this tutorial rely on a constructivist, cooperative and engaging approach that comprises a variety of resources, both original and adopted. The digital interactivities will provide student-centered opportunities within a supportive online learning environment facilitated by our peers and our team.