Task 7: Mode-Bending



When I first read the description of this task, I really did not know what to make of it. I understood that I needed to take my image from Task 1: What’s in Your Bag? and bend the mode from semiotic to something with audio, but I had no idea how to represent this image in an auditory form without just describing the picture. After reading about multiliteracies from the New London Group (1996), and the idea of transformative literacy, I started to think about audiobooks and the transformation that they have seen. I have been a frequent flyer with audiobooks ever since having children. I find that my time for traditional “reading” is limited, so I quench my thirst for literature through listening. One change that I have started to notice in the audiobook world is the addition of sound effects. I am a fan of this addition because it makes the experience of listening to a book more enveloping and rich. With this in mind, I came to the decision to tell a story about my bag and it’s impact on my life. I included sound effects in my recording that represent each item in my bag. I hope you enjoy. Check your understand of my bag by clicking the link below to direct you back to the original post.

Original Post – Task 1: What’s in Your Bag


The New London Group.  (1996). A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Designing social futures. Harvard Educational Review 66(1), 60-92.

Sound Effects/Music accessed from: https://www.fesliyanstudios.com

4 thoughts on “Task 7: Mode-Bending

    • kelvin nicholls

      Hi Linda,

      I used my iPhone X and the Voice Memo App on the iPhone. It was my first time using the app and my phone to record my voice and I was also impressed with the quality.


  1. margaret keating

    I’m amazed at the intimacy that an audio-only (re)presentation creates. It reminds me of all the times I have listened to audio–but not for a long time–and how much I love listening to story telling. Because that’s how I experienced your story (with the musical hits, sound effects and other fun elements).
    It emphasizes to me just how important it is that I become literate in these modes in order to teach well . . . totally loved your audio. Megs Keating

    • kelvin nicholls

      Hi Maraget,

      Thank you for your thoughts. This course has definitely created these revelations for me as well. I have truly come to appreciate story-telling over the last few years and I have really enjoyed how this course is making us think about different modes of texts and communication.


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