Link: Manual Scripts and Potato Printing


Link #1:

Task 4: Manual Scripts and Potato Printing was a challenging task no matter what direction we each decided to go. The challenging aspect of creating manual text through script or potato printing was what linked my own experience to Tamara Vaughan’s experience. Tamara explored potato printing, which proved to be fun but time consuming, and a process of trial and error. The potato printing path was different from the path that I decided to take, but our experiences were very similar.

Tamara provided a finished product image on their webspace which looks refined and precise. When I first saw this image, I did not think that I would immediately have any connection to their experience with this task. But, as I continued to read through Tamara’s post, I realized that in order to get that finished product, Tamara made mistakes, persevered, and took their time (2 hours) to come up with their refined looking final product. 

My own experience with this task, though different in product (I chose manual script over potato printing), was very similar to Tamara’s. When I first read the task description, I saw potato printing and immediately saw frustration, so I decided that the manual script task would be the “easier” path to take. What I have learned after going through the experience of this task and reading Tamara’s post is that both experiences were meant to be time consuming and make us reflect on the creation of manual text in a world and time when we might not get this experience as often as we used to. By the end of both of our assignments, we shared a similar appreciation for the manual creation of words and texts.

Tamara’s webspace was very easy to navigate and was familiar because of their choice of using WordPress in UBC Blogs. Tamara’s posts are organized into menus along the top of their webspace and also along the sidebar by the most recently posted. By having their posts located in two different areas, it made their content very easy to navigate and experience. I really enjoy Tamara’s simplicity in her webspace design which draws the user’s attention and focus to her words and pictures.

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