Link: Golden Record Curation


Link #4:

Upon first entering Shaun’s webspace, I was immediately drawn to the simplicity that I have come to greatly enjoy in the WordPress universe. But simplicity begins and ends with Shaun’s webspace, and once you click on the task links, a whole lot of thoughtful complexity and creativity is experienced. 

For Task 8: Golden Record Curation Assignment, our class was asked to curate a 27 track “Golden Record” that is filled with a representation of the world’s music down to 10 tracks based on our own individual parameters. Shaun used Adobe Captivate to creatively display their 10 track curation. In Adobe Captivate, Shaun was able to use words, images, and provide an audio experience to give their curation life beyond just a list. Shaun provided a description and reason for each track selection and then allowed the user to listen to the tracks within the presentation to provide an immersive experience.

When I first started to go through Shaun’s Adobe Captivate experience, I immediately felt a connection to their reasoning for their track selections. Shaun’s track selections for their curated list consisted of tracks that represented each continental region of the world, tracks that represented a variety of instruments, and tracks that Shaun had a personal connection to. For my own curated list, I solely focused on the instrumental songs and chose the 10 songs on my curated list based on cultural and instrumental representation. We had similarities in our song choices, especially when it came to picking songs that focused on the specific instruments.

Shaun ends the Adobe Captivate experience by sharing a few songs on their list that they added because of a personal connection to the songs. I felt that this part of Shaun’s list was really important to the whole experience. Shaun states that “I chose constructs (parameters) that are important to me.” Music is a subjective experience for each user, and at the end of the day, each curated list that we create is going to be individualized to the listener and curator. I felt that through listening to each of Shaun’s tracks on their curated list provided me with an experience of getting to know just a little bit about Shaun. This is the magic of music.

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