Link: Voice to Text Task


Link #2:

Task 3: Voice to Text was an interesting experience that I have not had a lot of practice with. I found some of the capabilities of Google Doc’s voice-to-text software to be amazing (word accuracy, spelling, etc.), but I was also disappointed with the lack of some features in the software, mainly the lack of automatic punctuation. I figured in this amazing era of innovation and ideas that somewhere along the line, the technology powerhouse called Google would have come up with some sort of algorithm to predict punctuation and automatically add it into their voice-to-text experience on Google Docs. So, in my search for whether other software has the capabilities of predictive punctuation, I came across Jeevan’s voice-to-text story on their UBC WordPress Blog. 

In Jeevan’s Task 3 post, the punctuation in their voice-to-text story jumped out at me and I was immediately curious. In my own voice-to-text story, the major issue that I ran into was the lack of punctuation and how this lack of punctuation made my story difficult to read and comprehend. In Jeevan’s story, the punctuation is not perfect, but it does exist. This got me excited and wondering whether it was added in after the fact or if it was part of the software. After some discussion with Jeevan in the comment section of their post, I discovered that it was software based. The punctuation placed itself into Jeevan’s story whenever they stopped to take a breath or a break to gather their thoughts. I really was amazed by this technology, and amazed that it existed outside of a huge mega company like Google. Even though the punctuation in Jeevan’s text is limited, it still exists and does add some clarity to their writing which was definitely missing in my own story.

Jeevan’s webspace is organized in a simple manner, with chronological links to their posts on the sidebar of the webspace. It is also nice to see the most current comments on Jeevan’s webspace listed on the sidebar as well. I did not have to look explicitly for this post because it was still available in the sidebar on the webspace under the “Recent Posts” menu, but I imagine that with more posts, it may be helpful to have a menu on the top of the webspace to direct users to the content that they desire.

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