After several hours of exploration on WordPress, I’ve finally successfully created this Webspace! This is my first time using WordPress, and navigating the editor was quite difficult at the beginning. Trying to get a menu up was not an easy feat. For now… I’m using ‘categories’ to make a menu. As I get more and more familiar with this software, hopefully I’ll find a better way to organize the blog.

I’ve created several tabs at the top, which read ‘tasks’, ‘assignments’, and ‘final project’. I’m hoping that as I create the posts for this course, I can organize them in that manner so they can be navigated easily. If you have any suggestions for me, please feel free to comment below. I would be happy to receive any suggestions on how to edit this site to make it better. Can’t wait to learn with everyone from this course! See you online soon!


ps. I realized that this page doesn’t have a place for a comment… I’m still trying to find out how to add a comments section!


-Emily Chen

Sept. 8, 2021