Task 5 Twine Story

Tyler’s Twine

I hope you enjoy my Twine story. I had a little fun with it.  I had previously used Twine in another course and loved making it. I  was new to coding and overwhelmed at first.  Like all coding programs, you have to make sure the codes are exactly correct or you won’t have a product.  I struggled with adding the sounds as my code wasn’t correct and I spent a very long time trying to figure out why it wasn’t working. However, in the end it worked as I was putting in a rounded bracket rather than a square one. This is something I would love to get students to do in my school.  The challenges would be getting the music and photos on but I believe the students would love to create stories or games using this program. I had fun, and shared it with some colleagues before submitting. They loved it.

I decided to create a chose your own adventure style game. A person is planning a trip to the Island. Do you go at Winter or Summer? It really is a real life situation that many people face when trying to travel to the Island. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did creating it.

click the link to download and play.  Enjoy! Tyler’s Twine


All photos taken from creative commons area on Flickr

Music from freesound.com commons.

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