Sustainability- Start Small to Act Big (Links to Two Classmates Blogs)

Sustainability is all about using renewable and reusable resources to create a stable and eco-friendly environment. In class we discussed how more and more businesses are taking on a sustained and environmental approach with their companies.  Even UBC is doing its part to try and create a more sustainable approach to its facilities. This includes the various recycling and compost bins around campus, the highly efficient CIRS building and the reusable containers given out to students in resident dining rooms.

I was most interested in the class assignment about ways that we could make UBC more eco-friendly.  After thinking about it further, I feel as though driving is a huge issue that should be addressed. I was surprised to learn that the most common source of pollutant for a household is cars. In actuality, this fact a lot of sense. For example there are many people that must commute to UBC and quite a few of them drive. This wastes a lot of gas when other alternative methods could be found. I noticed in my fellow classmate Annie Huang’s Blog that she mentioned raising the cost of parking at UBC in order to discourage students to find other means of transportation. Although this is a solution it doesn’t solve the means by which students can get to school in a more eco-friendly and sustainable manner.

This is when I did some further reading into my fellow classmate Omneet Madan’s Blog. She mentioned using “Car2Go” as source to achieve a more eco-friendly means of transportation to school. This business uses one of the key words defining sustainability and that is “reusable.” Now this alternative wouldn’t be a way to change the whole world but by everybody doing their part to reduce a little bit of pollutant consumption then there could be a significant impact on the world as a whole.

Source of Car2Go: