“If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise”?
The United Nations is one of the world’s most vital and powerful organization. However, due to its power and influence, it is mainly dedicated in resolving macro problems like world peace and various conflicts. For such a large organization, it is impossible for it to address many of the less pressing micro issues. I believe it is therefore necessary for social enterprises and programs like the Arc Initiative to exist even if the United Nations was fully funded.
Since larger organizations generally do not deal directly with the ones involved, their help is oftentimes small, short-lived, and rendered somewhat useless to many that need help. Oftentimes the help is provided just for the sake of doing something, and not a lot of though is put in on whether the help will be beneficial in the long run or not. Uwonkunda, a leader in the Arc Initiative program in Rwanda even mentioned that “non-profits that have donated money to Rwanda following the war [did not] make a lasting impact.” Programs like the Arc Initiative and social enterprises are powerful because they directly educates people in impoverished areas, and unlike larger organizations, the help they provide is long-lasting and useful as they are teaching skills in addition to providing help. These services have a unique and common goal of wanting to improve the future lifestyles of the people, by giving them the means of doing it themselves and not just “sponsoring” them, because that ultimately will not solve the problem. Both the United Nations and programs like the Arc and social enterprises are fundamental in creating equal opportunities around the world, it just depends on the situation to see which will provide the better aid.
Picture from: http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2013/11/19/1384876037021/social-enterprise-wordle–009.jpg