Unit 3 Reflection

Myself, along with the students in ENGL 301 99A, have just completed Unit 3! 

It took some time to determine how I wanted to go about conducting my research. I considered interviews, polls, etc.., before determining that I wanted to conduct anonymous, survey based, questioning. This style of research gave me the foundation to create and develop a plan on how to address the issues that I’ve found within the organization I am reviewing. More specifically, I was able to use my primary research to confirm the problems that I have been witnessing, and develop a plan on how to address them. A majority of the organization’s members completed the survey and, as a result, obtained a deep understanding of the overall physical and mental wellbeing of the organization’s members.

Formal Report Draft:
Developing, organizing, and writing my Formal Report Draft was more seamless than I initially anticipated. I found that due to my prior research in past units, and my in-depth understanding of the organization, I had a solid foundation to build my report. I did, however, run into some challenges. I found that my data analysis was quite wordy when, ideally, I would be able to be more concise in my wording. Moreover, I found difficulty when trying to apply secondary research to my primary research. Nonetheless, I feel as though my Formal Report is on the right track and I am looking forward to continuing my work.

Peer Review of Formal Report Draft 
This, generally, is one of my favorite “post assignment” tasks to complete. Peer review offers an opportunity to improve your work based on the suggestions of peers. Moreover, peer review offers an opportunity to examine the work of your peers. The latter, for the most part, is what I’ve found most beneficial. By reviewing the work of my peers, I can analyze different approaches that were taken, new perspectives, etc and apply that newfound knowledge to my own work.

I look forward to the new challenges and assignments that the students of ENGL 301 99A will have to complete in Unit 4!

Formal Report Draft – Evan Ruiz