Intimate Life

The most intimate is what you don’t see…

We are intimate in a material world. We are defined through our possessions. Your nightside table says a lot about you, what’s important, what you can’t live without and what’s always by your side, even when you’re not awake.

Taking an image of yourself the second you wake up might be the most vulnerable state you’ll ever be in.

A parody of Le Nez de Monsieur Cheval.

Something And Nothing

The paint pallet, something an artist uses every day. At the end of a painting session, you scrape the paint off of it after your ‘painting or artwork’ is complete. However, I consider the pallet itself a work of art. It is a byproduct of the creation art that is in itself art in the purest form.

I found an old closed up shop with nothing in it. I’d walked past in many times but never really given it any thought. It looked sad to me, representing someone’s failed dream. After looking at it further, it occurred to me that it’s a new opportunity for someone else. In its raw simplicity, it shows two doors and a whole lot of hope.

We never look at garbage but it tells more a story than most people would like to admit.