Malaysian Airlines claim they “didn’t know” of missiles on sight.

The article above describes how Malaysian Airlines, along with other major airline companies, such as Emirates, claims that at the time of its flight MH17 was shot down in the eastern Ukraine, they were unaware of missiles being present in that area. Nevertheless British Airways and other airlines were avoiding flying over that region as they knew (based on the information available “publicly”) there were dangerous weaponry present in the area.

This is more of a political topic, than a business one, however by reading this article, a couple of things came up, that I wanted to mention here.

First of all, this is clearly a publicity move, meant to take the blame away from Malaysian Airlines; who, based on two tragic accidents in one year, are now loosing business and the shares have dropped in the past 5 months. Unfortunately, this only contributes towards the bad reputation of Malaysian Airlines, as it is their responsibility as a large firm to be aware of the global situation and avoid any situation that is going to in any way endanger their clients.

Second of all, the unrest in Ukraine began during the fall months in 2013, and went viral internationally. The fact that a large company, such as Malaysian Airlines “didn’t know” that there are dangerous weaponry in the area of a serious unrest is plain ridiculous.

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