Rationale for Venture Choice
In my current work, I have investigate e-portfolio integration. When transitioning from learning to work, students move from the role of student to role as professional. Challenges arise in managing and maintaining disparate elements into an organized, professional presentation for learning and work related purposes. Through recent research, I realized the value of the concept of ‘life long learning’ as captured in an electronic portfolio. I realize that there are limitations within current e-portfolio tools. Purpose, control, learning networks, management systems, open access, selection, sharing, and transitions shape them.
Challenges reside in the collecting and collating of Web 2.0 products and creations into a cohesive story rather than fractured story parts. Individuals currently keep links, connections and collections in multiple locations within their own digital environments (hard drive, cd, paper) or web locations (Facebook, Flikr, blogs, wikis). E-portfolios allow for the collecting, collating and organizing of many creations in one place, consistently, over time. These disparate elements can then be shared, based on personal or professional need. E-portfolios allow individuals to upload image, sound, video, screen capture, lesson capture, files, web links, etc. within organized and logical ‘shoe-boxes’. Items can be presented in powerful story creations for job considerations, life events, or personal learning tasks.
As outlined by Helen Barrett, the lifelong collection, curation, organization and sharing of multiple layers, multiple life points and multiple life purposes needs to be considered. This perspective would refocus the potential for businesses providing electronic portfolio products in a potential global marketplace. Her experiences in creating a personal & professional e-portfolio in over 40 digital environment using a variety of digital tools exemplifies the diversity and challenges faced by e-portfolio creators.
Ninjabong. (2008) Venture Industries. [Image] Retrieved from http://www.flickr.com/photos/perdedor/2869992039/in/photostream/