How Netflix Knows Who Wants to Watch What

Today’s post focuses on Nick Taylor-Vaisey’s blog on MacLean’s Business Blog website. This post comments on how Netflix has been able to stay one step ahead of any of its limited competitors and provide consumers with what they want, without having to physically communicate with them. According to Vaisey’s blog post, Netflix has, “snoop[ed] around the dark corners of the Internet, looking at file-sharing websites and purchasing the shows that are most popular among the legion of online pirates”. The inquiry Netflix has undertaken to uncover what is popular with their consumers in each individual part of the world is something I find intriguing. As opposed to polling and surveying their consumers, they have gone directly to the source of what people around the globe are consistently watching online and seem to be interested in. This method of investigation allows the company to hold a competitive advantage over any other possible media streaming companies. Netflix is able to keep up with the latest trends and fads in the motion picture world. From a strategic standpoint, this mode of competitive research is extremely intelligent and is one of the many examples of why Netflix has become the success story it is today.

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