Ali Lamei, a new friend of mine, recently blogged about the article, ‘Netflix wins …an Emmy?’. His comments noted on the current success Netflix premier show, The House of Cards, has had in televisions’ drama genre. Given its success, Netflix is utilizing $300,000 to create five new, Netflix exclusive, television series per year. This reminds me of our in class active discussion on whether Netflix should partner with YouTube, ABC & NBC, purchase more current shows, or allocate more capital in order to create new shows in order to entice their potential investors. It seems as if Netflix shares the common idea with some of our classmates who opted for the streaming powerhouse to create new and exclusive television series. I found it interesting that Netflix would chose to invest a large sum of money, time and resources into producing new shows that may not meet their consumers standards. However, Ali’s blog claims, given the overwhelming success of The House of Cards, Netflix will, inevitably, have the ability to attract top-tier actors and directors to ensure that their investments will incur extremely high success rates. His blog puts into perspective why Netflix would choose to create new television series over partnering with other television networks or purchasing individual shows.