Comment on Haishun Xu’s Blog–Sustaniability

I really admire Xu’s blog, ” Sustainability”.

First, it’s about environment problem with economy concern. And all the sustainability problems are becoming the “human problems” or “world wide problems”. So in my opinion, Xu chose a very hot topic and tried to make it attractive. Xu use a picture and the picture is pretty beautiful. What’s more, the picture is about water which Xu talked about most in his blog. In this way, Xu gives us a good example about how to choose the image you need and try to connect with your blog.

On the other hand, XU listed his resources and the links. It looks professional and the whole blog looks more organized.Viewers love neat and organized work. Xu also tried to show us the urgency for BC to come up an effective means to optimize the water management.

However, lack of examples, data, solid evidence is a big problem of this blog. If Xu can use more evidence to support his idea and show us more about what we have down for the sustainability and what we can do in the future, this would be a perfect blog. I prefer to combine with data and research report more than just statements.



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