About this blog

This weblog provides information on the collective research conducted by the students in FNIS 401M Indigenous Performing Arts in Unceded Coast Salish Territories. The blog entries consist of your post-performance presentation materials. Below is the description from the syllabus:

There are five requirements for these presentations:

1) Provide performance synopsis and biographical details (main artist or group bio, etc.). You
must present a full enough representation of the performance to give a sense to those who were unable
to attend of what occurred.

2) “Witnessing” – sharing personal experience of viewing the performance. Make sure that
your response is not purely emotion based, but that it also draws upon and make connects to the
course readings, in-class discussions, as well as other performances you have seen this term.
For those that are presenting are required to write your response (no more than two pages –
250 to 500 words) before you share it in class. You do not have to read it aloud, but you can if
it helps. Use it as more of an outline as you share your perspective. You will be required to post
your response to the WordPress after your presentation.

3) Research and share reviews (if there are any) from Vancouver showing or anywhere
else the production has shown and/or other writings that refer to the artist(s) or
performance. Highlight a few main points. Compare and contrast. Always take in to account
the positionality of the reviewer (who is writing the reviews, their background, training—if
any. Not all reviews are trained in what they are reviewing. There is also a big difference in
focus when the reviewers themselves are Indigenous) and when and where the performance
occurred. Pay close attention about how they talk about performance as a way of thinking
about how you do so in your final paper.
*If you cannot find reviews, see if their work has been written about anywhere—include
both academic and not academic searches in your research.

4) Create and pose critical questions (at least 2; no more than 4) for the class to discuss.

5) A portion of your participation points are based of your ability to comment each other’s postings! Generate discussion and enjoy!

Directions for posting:
Where to create your blog posts

new postOn the top of this blog’s page, place tfnis401mcategorieshe mouse over New and in the drop down menu, select Post.

For each posting, you will need to select one category (January, February, or March) before hitting Update. Note that you can Edit your submission after posting.


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