Due January 22. Email me the link to your remediation and
post it to Twitter with the course hashtag. 15% of final grade

For this assignment, you will be responsible for remediating Jason Lewis’ poem, “no choice about the terminology” using the interactive storytelling software, Twine. Twine tutorials and instructions will be given in class.

  • Online Twine tutorials can be found here.
  • You can find examples of Twine here.
  • Host your remediation on the internet (for free with your Twitter account) with philome.la

Submit your twine remediation via twitter with the hashtag #fnis401w and email me the URL with the subject line: FNIS 401W Twine.

Twine Reflection: For this assignment, you must also submit a 250-500-word reflection on your project. Consider some of the following questions in your response (you do not have to answer them all):

  • What are digital and interactive poetics and how do they function?
  • How does Twine compel you (and your audiences) to engage differently with Lewis’ poem?
  • Did the meaning of the poem change in your remediation? If so, how? Was it intentional?
  • If your remediation didn’t quite make it to the place you’d hoped, you may also write here about what you had originally hoped for your project.
  • What problems did you run up against? What were the limitations of the platform? What would you do differently if you were to start over?

Assessment: The assignment will be graded on a) legibility and design, b) creativity, c) interactivity, and c) your ability to interpret and parse Lewis’ text using HTML and CSS as close reading tools (we will be discussing close reading). These criteria will be considered across both your Twine remediation and your reflection paper.

Learning Outcomes: This assignment introduces students to non-linear, interactive storytelling software and provides them with basic training in HTML and CSS. It also provides hands-on experience with digital poetry and remediation.